
The Fallacy of Time? by M. Dionne Ward

You can at least notice it, bit by bit.  You can notice how time creeps forward, edging itself into your space, creating the inevitable discomfort with your location and who you are; who you have become. Honestly, I find it intriguing to read that some physicists believe that time is a fallacy.  They say that it is nothing more that a mental construct that catalogs moments of change.

It's hard to wrap your mind around such a thing, because, quite frankly, most people don't have the mental capacity to be physicists.  Most people avoid thinking altogether. Fine with me. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.  Guess that's why I find myself wrestling with life: because I'm not stupid, and I won't fall for just anything.

Dialing it back a little, I'll say that if time is a fallacy, then God is the reality.  He must exist outside of time, in whatever form he is in, doing whatever he must do. Yet, even as he exists outside of time, I know he resides in all of us.

The Lord is Not Slow by M. Dionne Ward

2 Peter 3:9 (New International Version, ©2011)
9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

Though we are selfish and oft impatient creatures, we cannot put any demands on His time. He is not some personal genie that answers at our whim. God works in his own way and his own time. Like any good parent, He won’t give you anything that you don’t need and nothing before you’re ready. He may have to take you through a process to get you where you need to go, you know?

We have to repent of our ways first, so that He may honor His promise to us. As long as we acknowledge our problems and lay things bare before Him, He will deliver all that we need. We must totally rely on His Word, and the Word is God.

Don’t worry about time. Instead focus on the present and leave the future to itself. Tomorrow has enough problems of its own. Be devoted followers so that the power you gain is spiritual, that you may overcome the wiles of the World and the Devil. Most importantly, you must overcome the Self image that has been built for years and years of walking around lost on this planet.
God bless.

The Never Man: Forever by M. Dionne Ward

The grand madness feeds
gnawing at aspiration, chewing and biting bits
and wasting the rest, greasy pieces of fat
flicked away. So his head bangs a thunderous boom
shaking his mind like a bag of old nickels.
Maybe he's lost, looking for sanctuary in limbo
and there's no grace in hell.

He's colliding with variables of vintage wisdom,
finding hope in a cage, hints of honest care
that points toward The Way.
People calling out, shouting their hardened phrases
of semi-intellectual directives.
Misshapen glory-crushed impressions that curve
and crease and bend around the truth.

He's the Never-Man that never knew,
never understood the plan, cheapened religion
bought through a phony shake of hands
Walking a path without a clue, a hold
precarious at best, a brittle, mildewed rope
that will give way before long, forcing a long
way down.

Paths still sit at their zenith, waiting for walks
from mindless men that want to fill their heads with
need and truth, paths born for youth and their search
for never and nothing and forever and something
for wounds that cripple
or the itch of love, all, none
a grand madness that feeds
into a spiraling pinch, them, never full